Friday, April 15, 2011

Moms Who Chew Gum = Kids With Fewer Cavities?

My four year old daughter recently had her first cavity.  Truthfully, I felt like worst mom of the year holding her hand while she was getting her poor tooth filled. So when a dental hygenist / friend recommended this Spry gum for it's plaque reducing effect, I was curious. The gum is sweetened with xylitol, which from what I've read is a 100% natural sweetner that's been around since the 19th century; it was mostly known as a sugar alternative for diabetics. What I didn't realize was that moms who chew xylitol gum when their kids are 3 months old to 2 years old have kids with 70% fewer cavities at 5 years of age (read more about the research on the Xylitol page on Wikipedia). Now that's pretty interesting to us parents, especially since there is recent new research that suggests cavities are contagious person to person. That means mothers are transmitting the Streptococcus mutans bacterium, which is responsible for tooth decay, to their children. You can transfer the bacteria to your kids by sharing food and drinks, and even to your significant others by kissing. The gum is non GMO, gluten free, and comes in Cinnamon, Fresh Fruit and Peppermint flavors. Enjoy a tiny piece of gum for 5-10 minutes after meals and maybe my kids will get fewer cavities? I'll chew on that.

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