Friday, December 9, 2011

Oh, Those A-Doorable Holiday Cards!

The Christmas cards are starting to roll in through the mail, and it's always so great to see everyone's photos of all those cutie kids and pets. I never really know what to do with all the cards though. I'd like to enjoy them during the month, but not necessarily have them take over valuable counter space, etc. So, here's what I came up with this year. I hung a wide felt ribbon down my entry way closet door (you'll need to tape or nail this to the back of the door) and then attach cards as they arrive. It's easy and fun to see it "fill up" as we get closer to the holidays. For all my cousins who send their Christmas greetings out around Easter, I can't guarantee it will still be up then... so get 'em in early this year so I can look at your pretty faces now! :)

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